Services - Equity

Invest in Equities

Find best shares

Buy the right shares to enjoy long-term money flow. 

Choose your sectors

Which sector would you like to invest in? Falazzo masters in all investment sectors in stock market.

High ROE

You can expect high ROE with genuine and professional stockbrokers like us. 

Track of New releases

We maintain news of new equity releases and other fluctuating commodities to invest in right.

Time efficient

We analyze the chart and perform the trading either in day or night. 

Risk management Tool

We are using premium risk management tools to guarantee stop loss. 

Trend Following Tools

We incorporate this for trend traders. Our customization of the process finds no end. 

Investor style

We recommend our clients to invest in companies where you can easily understand their services. 

Open your Equity Trading account

Open equity trading account to buy or sell shares of companies in stock market. Start online share trading with India's most trusted stockbroker Falazzo at low brokerage.

What is Equity Trading?

This is the equity market or stock market, which is the meeting point for buyers and sellers. To start your trading, you need a Demat account or Trading account. Once you own the account, you can bid for shares by offering your price. The stock exchange provides a fully automated trading platform where you can place your orders according to your requirements. 

Fetch Good Returns

Can Tackle Inflation

Provide dividend


Low tax rate

Stock Split

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